Lennon's Birthday was great but very windy and cold. We all hung around eating snacks and then it was time for cake. Lennon tried really hard to blow out her candles, it was to cute. When it came to opening the presents she would take piece by piece of paper off.(to funny) Mommy helped a lot. She loved all the gifts and so do the parents. Thanks for all the gifts!!!! So, the party was to show support for her giving up her nukkies. We got a little bag with a horse that the nukkies would go in. She got to have the little horse and then we talked her through putting the nukkies in the bag for the babies. After all the nukkies were in the bag we gave the bag to Danielle (amy's best friend) to give to the babies that need them. She did great!
Last night...
Lennon's 1st night without her nukkies was not that bad. THANK GOD!!! We are so proud of her. It took her about an hour and a half to get to sleep and then only woke up once. Yippee!!!
Nap time 2day...
Was a little rocky at 1st but then after an hour there was no more noise, so I am assuming she is good.
Thanks to all of our wonderful family and friends that were able to come and celebrate with us. And to those who live away, sick, etc. thank you for your love and support.