Rose is now in third grade! We just can't believe it!!! She has never been so excited about school, she even said a thank you prayer the night before. Still after a week she is excited and even happy about homework and reading! WE WILL BE REMINDING HER OF THIS FOR THE REST OF HER LIFE!!!! Her teacher this year is Ms. Hurst and she really seems like a sweet lady. Please pray for the rest of the school year to go as good as it is now:)
Last night I packed 2 lunches and told Brent how weird it was and we had a moment.
This morning was Lennon's 1st day of preschool and she is more excited then we are. We are totally HAPPY for her but just sad that we have no more babies. It's pretty cool though to realize we need to step up our game and let go and let GOD! Just pray we can remember that through college and weddings.
On another note, I just picked up Lennon from school and she said she had such a good day and her teachers said she is so sweet and well mannered.