Saturday, November 17, 2007
I'm not sure if many people know that Lennon was born with a cyst on her neck. If we don't do anything with the cyst in the future it can lead to many complications. So, we have a lot of testing to do to find out what kind of surgery needs to take place. We will keep everyone updated. On the other hand, Lennon is signing all done and more. She has also said her first word other than mama and dada, she is saying bye. It is so cute. Now on to Rose! Rose is riding her bike without training wheels, it's amazing, she did it on the first try!!! Mommy and daddy are so proud of our girls. What a great life we have. Thank you LORD!
Friday, November 2, 2007
Halloween 2007
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Last days of the hot weather. (St, George Island, FL.)
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Something new each day.
On Sunday I was in Lennon's room putting away clothes and I put her in her crib to play with some toys, when all of a sudden I looked over to check on her and she was standing up. She had pulled herself up and was chewing on the railing. I told Rose to go get daddy and when he came in I said I have a job for you. So he went and got the wrench and lowed the crib down. It seems like she goes to bed and thinks of all the new things she can attempt to do the next day and then shes trying her best to acheive them when she wakes up. HEHE.
Wishes do come true!!!
The girls and I were on our way to a birthday dinner this weekend and I saw a rainbow and told Rose to look. She said to me with great excitement, "Mommy my wish came true!!" I asked her what was her wish. She said, " I never ever seen a rainbow and there it is, it's so beautiful!!" Is that so sweet or what!?
Brent took his national boards of Emergancy Medical Tech. last week and passed with flying colors. We are so proud of him, he has worked so hard for this achievment.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
It's official!!!
Little Miss. Lennon is crawling. OH BOY, I'm just not ready for this. I was trying to put her clothes away today and had her on the floor and I had to continue to go over to her and get her out of baskets and from under her crib. Rose thought it was so funny and she was a big help, she was my eyes when I was in the closet putting up the clothes.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Keeping up with two!!!
Well, last week Lennon and I went to her great grandparents house and Lennon decided to start crawling. She took her first two strides and then she rolled from her tummy to her side and then came right up onto her rear-end. WOW!! Brent and I are just not ready to chase two, but they just do on their own, right?!
Oh, the funny days of Rose.
Rose is so great. I guess now that she's in big school she knows a lot. Here are some funny things that she is so sure of and make since to her. We were on the computer and it was thinking, but instead of Rose saying thinking, she said ,"Mom, be patient, the computed is voting." This time we were driving and she saw some litter on the side of the road and said," Mommy, look at all that glitter, people are so mean." The last little funny is that I was trying to give the phone to her so she could talk, when she tells me,"just put it on sticker phone." I love it! And just had to share.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Big news!!!
Big news about the baby!!! Lennon is now trying to crawl. She gets up on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth, she also does the army crawl backwards. We are excited, but at the same time it would be nice if she could just wait a couple of more months when we are in a safer house. She also had her 6 mo. check up. Lennon now weighs, 15.5 lbs. and is 25in. long. She is in the 25th/50th % on everything, thats good.( Average) Also this week we introduced bananas, and yes, she loves them. The sippy cup is also new this week. She gets the concept but, its more of a toy than anything right now. Hope all is well with everyone!!! OXOX
Sunday, August 26, 2007
WOW!!! We survived!!!
So, last week was the first week of Kindergarten, and we survived!!! Rose had a great week. Our only issues were getting to class, so hopefully this week and weeks to come will get alittle easier on her. Rose's teacher's name is Mrs. Bellflower, she is a kind hearted, sweet young woman. You can tell she has such passion for her job!! Thank GOD!!!
Coming soon, more updates and pictures.
Coming soon, more updates and pictures.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Brent and I had a wig party on Firday. You may be wondering what that is and well, a party where everyone wears a wig. It was great fun, a lot of laughter. Hope you can see the pictures to the right to get an idea, enjoy!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Mommy's photo shoot of Lennon

Lennon had a great time playing with the toys around her. She is approaching 6 mo. old and mommy is having a difficult time couping. I have a lot of change in my life right now. Rose is starting kindergarten on Monday, Lennon is 6 mo.old and I am not nursing any more. Yes, it's sounds crazy that not nursing is depressing, but you moms that nursed can feel my pain. Any whoooo, Enjoy the pic's and I'll post more on Monday if I can get through the tears of letting my first baby go off to big school.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Music Video
Brent and I are superstars. Check out our music video.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
This week Lennon reached out for mommy, she is talk'n in her little language a lot, and today CC and I noticed that there is alittle white tooth looking thing on the bottom gum, you can feel something hard there as well. Today I also weighed her and she is 16 lbs. @ 23 weeks, almost 6mo. old.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Rose Felicity Holland
Yeah!!!! Finally, we are a complete family!!! Yesterday, we had the official court hearing for Brent's adoption of Rose. It was a very exciting day. Rose, of coarse was shy, but she did warm up to the judge when he starting talking about her Pokemon cards. Ha! This weekend Rose is going to Jacksonville with her cousins. She gets to visit the zoo. On the other hand, Brent had an eventful birthday. He had to work, and they were pretty busy. Yes, that to Brent is loads of fun.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
The name game.
This week Lennon and I went to the bank and the ladies there said Lennon's name and she looked at them. So for the rest of the week we have made it a point to say her name a lot and sure enough she knows her name. Yeah!! Today, she was introduced to avocado and well, it didn't go over very well. She has a stuffy nose so I think that has something to do with it, because at lunch I tried it again, but this time I mixed it with pears and rice cereal and she ate alittle more than before. Also this week Rose is getting anxious about Kindergarten. So if possible send her some love and excitement. One more thing, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BRENT!!!!
Monday, July 23, 2007
New things!
Last week Rose went to Princess camp, how cute, right?! She had a blast! She made a jewelry box, necklace, a wand, a ballerina, dressed up, and had tea parties. This week she is at sports camp. Whats new in Lennon's life is that on Sunday she was introduced to squash and loves it. We just thinks she loves food period. Today, we all went to the fire station to have dinner with daddy. Rose dressed up in his bunker gear, put his heavy air tank on and sat in the truck. Well Lennon just watched. It was great fun! I'm so sorry that I didn't get pictures, but I had no film. Maybe next time. Coming soon... more summer fun, on site next week.
Love you all!!
Love you all!!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Eating food.
Lennon has been eating rice cereal for about 4 wks now, and pears for the past week. She's loving to eat, she's like a little bird. She sees the spoon and her mouth goes wide open. Rose is being 5, meaning she likes to test mommy and daddy. But over all we are so blessed! Brent and I are just trying to get the hang of the new firefighting life. The schedule can get alittle hard sometimes. We hope all is well in eveyones life. GOD BLESS and have a great rest of the summer.
What a year!!!
Rose is now five years old and it has taken some time to get used to having to share mommy and daddy's time with her new sissy. Now that Lennon is 5mo. old they are great buddies! Lennon was born on Feb. 23, 2007 at 12:23pm. She was 7lds, and 19 and a half in. long. Lennon came very fast, the nurse actully had to hold her in until the doctor could get in the room. That was real comfortable, let me tell ya. HA! Brent is finally done with EMT school, he did great! He is now living his dream as a firefighter in Thomasville, GA. As for myself well lets just say I'm really busy. Just go'n go'n go'n! Life is good!!
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