Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Forgot something


Got 5 A's
4 B's
and 1 C on her report card.

Go Rosie!!!!!

A lot is going on

So this past weekend we went to St. Pete to visit my dad, mom, sister and her family. It was a great time!!!
Brent had am interview with TFD last Thurs. and got a call back today for a second interview. This is our long term goal and want this so bad. So please pray for God's grace during this process.
Also, I told my testimony for the 1st time today and it went so good. Thank you Lord for giving me the words to promote HOPE AND FAITH!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween 09

Rose was the perfect cowgirl and Lennon was a princess. The costums fit them to a T.
Rose was a great big sister and showed Lennon what to do and it was a hoot hearing Lennon say "Chicken treat" To funny! Hope everyone had a great night.

Friday, October 16, 2009

A mom's life


Thursday, October 15, 2009

St. George Island 2009

Every year in Oct. we go to the beach with Brent's sister and mom. We had a great time playing in the pool, collecting shells and playing at the beach, eating, and resting. It was perfect timing since we just dealt with the surgery, we were in need of this family time together.
Enjoy the pics!

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Rose is doing so great in school! She had her first WUR test, which is a writing test to prepare for FCAT. She got a 4 out of 6, that GREAT!!!! She has also gotten all 100's on her spelling test. We are so proud of her and wanted to share what a great student she is.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

More fun news

So Rose's classroom pet is a genie pie (yet again, I can't spell) she is super cute. Her name in Blaze and she got to come home with Rose last weekend. We had a great time having her, but I think Rose is allergic to her, so we will notbe getting one. Oh well:) hehe:)

Some happy fun news, Labor Day 09!

Surgery update

So I am really praying that we can come home tomorrow. We are getting a little stir-crazy:) We are out of the hospital and in a hotel, so it's nice to be out of the hospital, but it's not our comfy home.

The team of doctors I had were great. Thank you God for such great people.
They removed all the mesh and are pretty sure they got it all. Dr.Kovac said, "Know wonder she was in so much pain, the mesh and turned into something like concrete." That sounds great, huh? :( But it's gone and that's what matters.
On a crappy note the mesh implant that was put in my urethra by the doctor in Thomasville actually caused damage to my urethra and it has holes in it. They doc's here repaired it and I have to wear a Foley (yeehaw) till next week.

We are not sure at the moment what the out come of where my bladder will end up, but this is where we have to start. There could be a chance that it will just chill out where it is, so lets just continue to pray for that.

Thanks family and friends for all of your support, prayers, happy thoughts, etc.
We love you all so much!


Thursday, September 17, 2009


So Brent and I are in Atlanta for my surgery tomorrow. Please lift us all up in prayer. Hope everything is going great with all!
Much LOVE!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

FYI!!!! I can't spell and Rose is going to have to tuter me! Haha! Can't spell tuter!

This week Lennon is learning about Physical Me

So Lennon laid down on a piece of poster board and I traced her, we identified the color of her eyes, hair, ect.and then she colored the picture.
We also planted lettace and danced alittle.

Lennon's school days

1st day of 2nd grade!

The girls woke up last Monday to a big chocolate cake for breakfast and were super excited for school.
Rose started a new school called Desoto Trail and Lennon is homeschooling with me 3 days a week.
Since we had been telling Lennon that she was going to be going to school too she kinda took away Rose's fire. Poor thing:)
As you can see from the pictures Rose is not to happy. Also look how thrilled Lennon is, all smiles with her pack-pack on and all.
We are on the 2nd week and Rose had adjusted so good and loves the school, friends and teacher. Her teacher, Mrs. Nash expressed that she is talkative and really enjoys helping. They are learning about Dinisora's and she is still reading so well.
Lennon is to cute in her school with mommy. Last week we learned about nature, the letter A and the #1. She did a lot of coloring, took walks to find neat things in nature and also took a field trip to a friends who lives in a huge plantation.
Hope everyone is having a good school year so far.
Take care!

The last days of summer fun

Before school started Rose had a couple of her girl friends came over to play. This is them playing with homemade bubbles.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Summer farm days

My good friend and her son came out to the farm for a hot day of fun. Rose and Blake played and played and Rose showed off "her" fabulous farm. Lennon had fun eating popsicles and pouring sand on the dog. It was a great day!

Pic of my best friend Dana who is pregnant that I wanted to share:)

Surgery Update

My surgery is scheduled for Sept. 18th in Atl. Hopefully we will be home by Tues. the 22nd. Please continue to pray for us and thank you for all the uplifting.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

A lot...

I have been able to tell most family what is going on in our life at the moment but for those of you who I have not been able to contact here goes.
I will be having more surgery in Sept. and need prayers for the whole family. Including parents, friends and family that will be helping us with the girls and much more.
Thank you to all of our family and friends for the love and support, we could not be strong and positive without you!

Much love,

Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July

This year for the holiday we were going to go down to Ft. Myers to see my family. Well, things changed in a big way. I lost my job and am now staying home with the girls and be traditional for once in my life. HA! We are so loving life! It's like it was always supposed to be this way. Thank you Lord for your glory! Remember family and friends he does provide:)
Anyways, Brent, Lennon and I stayed in Tally and Rose went to P.C. with Grammy and Grandaddy. She had a blast but we sure did miss her. Here are some pics of our 4th at Cece's house. We have it made because she lives right by Tom Brown Park, which is were the fire works are. We can even hear the concert. I do have to say that all the rednecks in the neighborhood that went to get ellegal fireworks are so much more exciting than the park ones. And we can come and go as we please, go to the bathroom and not use a porta-potty and we had a/c.
Thanks Cece.
Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend!!!