The girls woke up last Monday to a big chocolate cake for breakfast and were super excited for school.
Rose started a new school called Desoto Trail and Lennon is homeschooling with me 3 days a week.
Since we had been telling Lennon that she was going to be going to school too she kinda took away Rose's fire. Poor thing:)
As you can see from the pictures Rose is not to happy. Also look how thrilled Lennon is, all smiles with her pack-pack on and all.
We are on the 2nd week and Rose had adjusted so good and loves the school, friends and teacher. Her teacher, Mrs. Nash expressed that she is talkative and really enjoys helping. They are learning about Dinisora's and she is still reading so well.
Lennon is to cute in her school with mommy. Last week we learned about nature, the letter A and the #1. She did a lot of coloring, took walks to find neat things in nature and also took a field trip to a friends who lives in a huge plantation.
Hope everyone is having a good school year so far.
Take care!
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